Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (PC)

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (PC)
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (PC)

Mortal Kombat has always been and always will be. For a millennia, the forces of good and evil have been locked in eternal battle over the control of Earthrealm, some seek to use the tournament to destroy all that is good. Others seek vengeance, power, or eternal life. Time after time, each individual threat has been vanquished, and Earthrealm has enjoyed relative peace for many years. But there is concern that Earth is once again in peril, and this time the threat of evil has two faces. It is now known that the sorcerer Quan-Chi has escaped the Netherealm. Since his escape, Quan-Chi has unlocked the secret of the ancient Runestone, discovered the ancient unbeatable army of the long forgotten Dragon King, and most disturbing of all, formed an alliance with one of our deadliest enemies, Shang Tsung.

With their combined strength, they plotted to overpower the two beings who could prevent their total domination of the two realms. The first was the emperor of Outworld, Shao Khan. In a false show of allegiance, they sprung their attack. They then traveled to Earthrealm by way of a mystical portal known only to sorcerers and deities. There, they confronted Earth's mightiest warrior and champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang. It has been Shang Tsung's desire to consume the soul of Earthrealm's greatest warrior. With Quan-Chi's assistance he achieved his goal... Liu Kang is dead. They have since returned to Outworld and are using the souls of conquered warriors to resurrect The Dragon King's unbeatable army. Should they succeed, they will have the means to conquer Outworld and eventually Earthrealm. They will be unstoppable. I can no longer stand idly by and watch this evil consume the world, I have relinquished my status as Elder God to return to Earth and lead you to battle against our old adversaries. We must act now, we must stop this Deadly Alliance! - These are the words of Raiden.

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